with the scientific collaboration of
ISSN 2611-8858

Angioletta Sperti

Angioletta Sperti is Associate Professor of Comparative Public Law at the University of Pisa, Italy, where she teaches comparative constitutional law. She holds an Ll.M from UCLA (USA) and a PhD from Scuola Superiore S. Anna (Italy).

Her main research interests include constitutional justice, comparative legal systems, and fundamental rights. She has also conducted extensive research on presidential accountability and impeachment in the Italian system of government. 

She is managing editor of GenIUS, an Italian law review on gender and sexual orientation equality and a member of the major Italian and international associations of constitutional law scholars (Icon, IACL, AIDC).

She is the author of the following books:

Corti supreme e conflitti tra poteri. Spunti per un confronto Italia-USA sugli strumenti e le tecniche di giudizio del giudice costituzionale, Giappichelli editore, Torino, 2005, pp. 1-274, ISBN: 9788834845295

La responsabilità del Presidente della Repubblica. Evoluzione e recenti interpretazioni, Giappichelli editore, Torino,  2010, pp. XII-292, ISBN: 9788834800119

Omosessualità e diritti. I percorsi giurisprudenziali ed il dialogo globale delle Corti costituzionali, Pisa University Press, Pisa, 2013, pp. 1- 289, ISBN: 9788867412396

Constitutional Courts, Gay Rights and Sexual Orientation Equality, vol. 14 Hart Studies in Comparative Public Law, Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2017 , pp. I-XXIV, 220, ISBN: HB: 978-1-78225-642-7 ePDF: 978-1-78225-644-1; ePub: 978-1-78225-643-4

Constitutional courts, Media and Public Opinion, Hart Studies in Comparative Public Law, Hart Publishing, forthcoming 2023