La confisca "civile" dei proventi da reato
Misura di prevenzione e civil forfeiture: verso un nuovo modello di non-conviction based confiscation
Stefano Finocchiaro20 Sep 2018
Criminal Justice Network hosts an e-book series in Italian, Spanish and English addressing topics of interest to the international community of criminal scholars and practitioners.
The series shares the same Board of Directors and the same Editorial Advisory Board as the journal, Diritto penale contemporaneo – Rivista trimestrale (click here for the lists of members).
Each book submitted for publication is first assessed by the editorial board to verify its pertinence to topics addressed by the journal and its potential interest to readers of Criminal Justice Network. Should the submission be deemed suitable, it will then be subject to our peer review process which is likewise employed for the Diritto penale contemporaneo – Rivista trimestrale (click here for details).