The Final Report of the Lattanzi Commission on Restorative Justice

English translation

To read the English translation of the paragraph dedicated to restorative justice in the Final Report issued by the Lattanzi Commission, translated by Viola Molteniclick here.


I cannot fail to observe that it is high time to develop and systematize the restorative justice experiences”: it is through these words, expressed in the Policy guidelines addressed to the Committee for the study of the justice reform chaired by Giorgio Lattanzi, that the Minister of Justice Marta Cartabia seals the matured awareness for the restorative justice paradigm, encouraging proposals for the systematization of the matter consistent with the supranational indications, binding or not, which concern it.

The ministerial message aligns with the attention constantly paid to restorative justice by the Italian institutions. In 2016 the matter was in fact a key issue for the Stati Generali of criminal enforcement established by Minister Andrea Orlando – whose Table 13 was precisely dedicated to “restorative justice, mediation and protection of crime victims” – and, in 2017, restorative justice was central to the works of the Commission set up by the same Minister to reform the juvenile penitentiary system and restorative justice in the enforcement stage. 

In order to raise the awareness of the scientific community on the latest Italian regulatory proposals concerning restorative justice, consistently with the international interest in the topic the translation into English of the paragraph dedicated to restorative justice in the Final Report issued by the Lattanzi Commission is here proposed, with hypertextual links to the main documents mentioned. The Commission has provided the legislator with systematic indications to build a regulatory framework on defining profiles, contents, standards and safeguards concerning restorative justice, as well as on the training of mediators, in order to promote the implementation of the restorative paradigm throughout the national territory and at every stage of the criminal proceeding.