The Videoconference Hearings in the Days of Covid-19 (part 2)
The present work, which corresponds to the second part of the one published in Crimanal Justice Network last June 23, deals with the remaining inconveniences that can be generated for the event that the oral trial hearing is held through remote connection systems. Specifically, it deals with issues related to possible effects on the principle of contradiction, problems related to the control of evidence, the effects that an eventual agreement by the participants (especially the accused) could have difficulties in the development of communication between the accused and his or her lawyer during the trial, effects on publicity and conflict with the right to be tried within a reasonable time. This analysis is carried out with reference to the regulations contained in the Chilean Code of Criminal Procedure.
SUMMARY: 1. Planteamiento de los problemas. – 2. Efecto de los juizooms sobre el principio de contradicción. – 3. Efecto de los juizooms en el control de las evidencias. – 4. Incidencia del acuerdo de los intervinientes, en especial del imputado en la celebración de los juizooms. – 5. Comunicación entre el imputado y su abogado defensor. – 6. Los juizooms y la garantía del derecho al juicio público. – 7. Los juizooms y el dilema del derecho a ser juzgado en un plazo razonable: entre la racionalidad y la justicia.
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