Modelo operativo para vincular la justicia restaurativa y los procedimientos penales
Universidad de Tuscia, proyecto "Giustizia AGILE"
Within the "Giustizia AGILE" project, funded by the Ministry of Justice (PON Governance and Institutional Capacity 2014-2020), the University of Tuscia – project leader – has developed an "operational model for linking restorative justice and criminal proceedings". The model has been presented at the final conference held in Viterbo on September 21st, 2023, and it provides a concrete support to the Italian judicial authority at the intersection of criminal proceedings and restorative justice. It introduces a system for the detection and evaluation of 18 "mediability indexes", i.e., circumstances indicating a greater or lesser likelihood of a restorative outcome as a result of a possible restorative justice program. This system aims to simplify, even from an efficiency perspective, the choice of the judicial authority regarding the referral of individuals to restorative justice centers, governed by Article 129-bis of the Italian Code of Criminal Procedure. The model also serves as a basis for a rational collection of data related to restorative justice in judicial offices.
Download here the Operational model for linking restorative justice and criminal proceedings.
For a detailed analysis of the model, we recommend consulting the article by F. Sanvitale, Il processo penale alla prova della giustizia riparativa: una prospettiva pratica, in Sist. pen., 7-8/2023, pp. 103–124.