Pandemia de Coronavirus en la UE – Repercusiones en los derechos fundamentales – Tercer boletín de la Agencia de Derechos Fundamentales de la Unión Europea (FRA)
El boletín considera el impacto del Covid-19 en los derechos fundamentales en importantes áreas de la vida diaria
The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights - FRA has published the third Bulletin on how the Coronavirus pandemic affects fundamental rights. The Bulletin is dedicated to the measures adopted by EU member States in May, aimed at safely reopen their societies and economies while continuing to mitigate the spread of Covid-19.
The report faces some criminal justice issues, such as the impact of the measures adopted on detained people (§ 3.2) and on victims of domestic violence (§ 3.4).
(Cecilia Pagella)