Marta Muñoz de Morales Romero
Marta Muñoz de Morales Romero is a Professor at the Law School, in Ciudad Real, University of Castilla-La Mancha, where she teaches Criminal Law and European Criminal Law. She graduated in law from the Ciudad Real Law School with first-class honours. She held a Master in European Community Law and a PhD at the University of CLM, being awarded with the 2011 Best Dissertation Award. She was a Visiting Researcher at the Max Planck Institut für ausländisches und internationales Strafrecht in Freiburg (Germany) for eighteen months. She was also a Visiting Scholar at the UPENN law school in Philadelphia (USA) where she conducted research on the potential of ex-post legislative evaluation as a technique able to promote rationality in European and national processes of legislative production in criminal matters.
Most relevant publications include her books El legislador penal europeo: legitimidad y racionalidad, Civitas-Thomson Aranzadi, 2011, Terrorismo vs. Leyes y Jueces: El reconocimiento de condenas penales europeas a efectos de acumulación. A propósito del caso Picabea (together Cristina Rodríguez Yagüe) and Derecho penal europeo, 2020; her contributions to the books “Deberes de motivación y de argumentación del legislador penal europeo en torno a los derechos fundamentales”, in Los Derechos fundamentales en el Derecho penal europeo (Civitas, 2010), « Le contrôle des choix de Pénalisation : effets directs et indirects », in Cour de Justice et Justice Pénal, UMR de Droit Comparé de Paris, vol. 19, Société de Législation Comparée, Paris 2010, “Codification and Legislative Technique in the United States of America”, in Nieto Martín, A./Muñoz de Morales Romero, M. (eds.): Towards a Rational Legislative Evaluation in Criminal Law, Springer, 2016, pp. 159-194 or “The role of the European Court of Justice in the execution of sentences”, in Bernardi, A. (ed.)/Martufi, A. (coord.): Prison Overcrowding and Alternative to Detention, Jovene Editore, 2016, pp. 67-110, and further papers published in legal journals such as “Dime cómo son tus cárceles y ya veré yo si coopero”. Los casos Caldararu y Aranyosi como nueva forma de entender el principio de reconocimiento mutuo”, in Indret. Criminología y Sistema de Justicia Penal, 1/2017; “Doble incriminación a examen: Sobre el caso Puigdemont y otros supuestos”, in Indret 1/2019 or “Yes, We Can! Or: Why the Reference for a Preliminary Ruling is not the Monopoly of the Executing Judge in Mutual Recognition Cases Involving the Surrender of Requested Persons”, in European Criminal Law Review, 1/2019.
Other issues of interest are the role of compliance programs in corporate criminal liability cases and death penalty issues (i.e. “Compliance Programs and Criminal Law Responses: A Comparative Analysis”, with Nieto Martín, A., in Manacorda, S./Centonze, F./Forti, G.: Preventing Corporate Corruption, 2014, Springer, pp. 333-362).