Pier Luigi Petrillo
Pier Luigi Petrillo is Full Professor of Comparative Public Law at the University of Rome Unitelma Sapienza.
He is also currently Professor of Lobbying Law at the University of Rome LUISS Guido Carli, Professor of Cultural Heritage Law at University of Milan IULM, Professor of Comparative Culture Heritage Law at University of Rome Unitelma Sapienza.
Professional experience
Pier Luigi’s areas of expertise include constitutional and comparative issues; lobbying and regulations of relation between lobbies and public decision makers; promotion and legal protection of intangible cultural heritage related to traditional food and agricultural practices especially in the UNESCO’s system.
Academic position
Since 2015 Pier Luigi is Full Professor of Comparative Public Law.
Since 2010 He teach Lobbying Law at the Luiss Guido Carli University in Rome; since 2011 He also teach Professor of Cultural Heritage Law at the IULM University of Milan.
Since July 2010 to May 2014 He was, at the Unitelma Sapienza University of Rome (Italy), Faculty of Law, Associate professor, full-time Professor, lecturer in Constitutional Law and full-time Researcher in Comparative Public Law. From February 2005 to August 2007 Pier Luigi was Adjunct Professor in Constitutional Law at the University of Rome LUMSA, Faculty of Law. From October 2003 to August 2007 he was Adjunct Professor in Comparative Public Law and in Parliamentary Law at Luiss University “Guido Carli” of Rome.
Pier Luigi has spent several researches and teaching periods in foreign universities, including Columbia University (New York, USA), Law School of Edinburgh (Scotland), University of Tehran (Iran), McGill University (Montreal, Canada), New York University (USA).
Since 2013 Pier Luigi is member of the Center for European Studies of the Columbia University (New York). He is also member of the Ibero-American Institute on Constitutional Law and General Secretary of the National Association on Comparative Law.
Governmental position
From 2002 to 2006, Pier Luigi has been Legal Advisor at the Presidency of the Italian Republic. From 2006 to 2007 He was Director for International and European Affairs at the Italian Ministry of Environment, and from 2007 to 2008 He was Director of the Legislative Office at the same Ministry. On 2007 Pier Luigi was co-coordinator of the “Governmental Commission for a Law on lobbying” established by the Prime Minister Romano Prodi. From 2009 to 2011 He was Director for Parliamentarian Affairs (USAP), Head of the Legislative Office at the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, and Legal Advisor to its Minister. From 2012 to 2013 Pier Luigi was Director of the Transparency Unit (UPT) at the Italian Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Policies. From 2013 to 2014 he was legal advisor to the Italian Minister for Culture and Tourism. On 2013 He was co-coordinator of the “Governmental Commission for a Law on lobbying and political parties” established by the pro-tempore Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta. From 2014 to 2015 He was Legal advisor for UNESCO, EXPO and UE to the Italian Minister of Environment, Land and Sea. On 2015 He was nominated Head of Legislative Office ot the Campania Region
In September 2012 Pier Luigi was designated by the Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti as effective member of the Authority of the Italian Presidency of Council of Ministers for the management of the earthquake funds in favor of Piemonte, Veneto, and Emilia-Romagna Regions.
Since 2006 Pier Luigi is delegated by the Italian Government to the UNESCO Committees. In this role, he has been coordinator of some national nomination files inscribed in the Tangible and Intangible Cultural Heritage UNESCO Lists (for example: The Dolomite, The Aeolian Island, The Langhe-Roero Landscape, The Dieta Mediterranea, Pantelleria, The art of Neapolitan Pizzaiuolo, etc.).
For these results, He received, on 2017, by the President of the Italian Republic, Sergio Mattarella, the honor of Knight of the Order of the Italian Republic (“Cavaliere della Repubblica”).
He was member of the Strategic Expert Group on European Politics of the Italian Presidency of Council of Ministers; Legal advisor of the Italian Minister for Agricolture, Food and Forestry Policies for international affairs; Head of Legislative Office of the President of Campania Region; Member of the Italian National Commission for UNESCO.
Since June 2018 He is Head of the Cabinet of the Italian Minister for Environment, Land and Sea.
Education and Training
2006: University of Siena, Faculty of Economics. Ph.D. in Comparative Public Law.
2003: University of Florence, Postgraduate Master of Parliamentary Law (“XXVI Seminario di Studi e Ricerche parlamentari Silvano Tosi”).
2002: La Sapienza University of Rome, Faculty of Political Science, Postgraduate Master (II level) of Law.
2001: LUISS “Guido Carli” University of Rome, Faculty of Law, Degree in Law: 110/110 cum laude and special mention for academic reasons.
Publications and Appearances
Pier Luigi is author of about 130 essays, papers, scientific articles, books. Among others: Controllare e Governare. Forme di opposizione in Italia e Gran Bretagna [Control and government in Italy and Uk], Giappichelli 2013; Le istituzioni delle libertà. Esperienze costituzionali canadesi [The Institutions of Liberties. Canadian Constitutional Experiences], Cedam 2012; Democrazie sotto pressione. Parlamenti e gruppi di pressione [Democracies under Pressures. Parliaments and pressure groups], Giuffrè 2011; Iran, Il Mulino 2008; Cittadini, governo, autonomie. Quali riforme per la Costituzione? [Citizens, government, autonomies. Which Constitutional reforms?], (ed. with Tania Groppi), Giuffrè 2005.
He also wrote essays in English, Polish, Spanish, Portuguese. For example: “Role and regulations of Lobbies in Italy”, in A. Bitonti, P. Harris (eds.), Lobbying in Europe. Public Affairs and the Lobbying Industry in 28 EU Countries, Palgrave, London 2017; “The UNESCO World Heritage Convention and the Enhancement of Rural Vine-Growing Landscapes (with O. Di Bella, N. Di Palo)”, in G. Golinelli (ed.), Cultural Heritage and Value Creation. Towards New Pathways, Springer 2015, pp. 127-169; "Italy: The regulation of lobbying and the evolution of a cultural taboo", in OECD, Lobbyists, Governments and Public Trust, Vol. 3, Paris 2014, pp. 183-192; "The dialogue among constitutional judges, Parliaments and executives" (with N. Olivetti Rason), in G.F. Ferrari, J. O'Dowd (ed.), 75 Years of the Constitution of Ireland. An Irish-Italian Dialogue, Clarus Press, 2014, Dublino, pp.133-153; "Formas de gobierno y grupos de presion: las nuevas formas de la democracia representative. Perfiles de derecho publico", in AA.VV., Annuario italo-iberoamericano di diritto costituzionale - 2014, Editoriale Scientifica 2014, pp. 421-460; “European Union and pressure groups. A legal perspective”, in M. Cartabia, N. Lupo, A. Simoncini (ed.), Democracy and Subsidiary in the EU, Il Mulino 2013, pp. 75-95; “The dual sovereignty constitutional system”, in AA.VV., Democracy without democrats, Aspenia, 59-60, 2013, pp. 69 ss.; “The legal protection of Landscape. A comparative analysis”, in AA.VV., The International Protection of Landscape, UNESCO, Paris 2013; “Biocultural diversity and the mediterranean diet”, in AA.VV., Sustainable diets and biodiversity, FAO-ONU, Rome 2012, pp. 224 ss.; “Role and Functions of Second Chambers in Other Asian Countries”, in J. Luther, P. Passaglia, R. Tarchi, A World of Second Chambers. Handbook for Constitutional Studies on Bicameralism,Giuffrè Editore, 2006, p. 685-694; “Ordynacja wyborcza i parlament we Wloszech”, in Przeglad Sejmony, 2, 2007, pp. 87-96.
Pier Luigi was, also, speaker at around 150 national and international conferences, congresses, seminars in Italy, Russia, Brasil, Mexico, Argentina, USA, Canada, Cuba, UK, France, Spain, Lebanon, Egypt, Tunisia, Iran, Uzbekistan, China, India, Japan.
He has been winner of awards and fellowships of:
- House of Representatives (2003)
- Accademia dei Lincei (2005)
- British Academy and the Royal Academy (2005)
- National Council of Researches (CNR - 2007),
- Federal Government of Canada (twice, on 2009 and 2012).
He was, since 2008 to 2013, Aspen Junior Fellow. Now He is Former Aspen Junior Fellow.